
Used to define the behavior of file upload operations.

 PUT-OPTION-VAL = "atomic"

If this flag is specified, the server does all the needed checking to ensure that all the files can be updated before changing the first one. The server MAY<4> ignore this.

 PUT-OPTION-VAL =/ "checkin"

The document is checked in after it is saved. This flag is used only to support long-term checkout operations. Servers MAY ignore this parameter if they choose not to support long-term checkout.

 PUT-OPTION-VAL =/ "checkout"

Valid only if checkin is specified. Notifies the source control of the new content (checkin), but keeps the document checked out. This is the equivalent to checking in the document, and then checking it out again.

 PUT-OPTION-VAL =/ "createdir"

The parent folder is created if it does not exist. By default, the server MUST require that the parent folder of a file or folder exist. If the client sends this option, the server MUST create the immediate parent folder of the file being created, if needed and if possible. For example, if folder1/folder2/file.txt is being created, the server MUST create folder2 if needed, but not folder1 if it does not already exist.

 PUT-OPTION-VAL =/ "edit"

Uses the date and time that the document was last modified to determine whether the item has been concurrently modified by another user. This flag is used to prevent race conditions where two users could edit the same data. If this flag is specified and the inbound modification time does not match the value on the server, the server MUST reject the upload. The client SHOULD send this flag unless a higher level has indicated that it needs to overwrite changes.

 PUT-OPTION-VAL =/ "forceversions"

Causes the server to act as though versioning is enabled, even if it is not. Servers MAY <5> ignore this parameter.

 PUT-OPTION-VAL =/ "listthickets"

Requests that metadata be returned for thicket supporting files. The server MUST act as though this parameter was sent if the effective protocol version is less than 5.0.

 PUT-OPTION-VAL =/ "migrationsemantics"

This option relaxes certain server-side checking during site migration operations. It allows clients to preserve certain metadata about who created the file and when, who last updated the file and when, and checkin comments. The server MAY ignore this option. If the server honors this option, it SHOULD require additional authorization of the caller and ignore the option if the authorization fails.<6>

 PUT-OPTION-VAL =/ "noadd"

Does not add the document to source control. Clients that conform to the FrontPage Server Extensions: Website Management Protocol MUST NOT send this option. The server SHOULD ignore this option.

 PUT-OPTION-VAL =/ "nounghost"

Does not update anything in the document content other than the Web Parts.

 PUT-OPTION-VAL =/ "overwrite"

Uses the date and time that the document was last modified, as specified in the inbound metadata, rather than the extent of time on the server.

 PUT-OPTION-VAL =/ "thicket"

Specifies that the associated file is a thicket supporting file. The server SHOULD detect that the upload includes a thicket that supports file and infer this flag.


The PUT-OPTION data type MUST contain at least one PUT-OPTION-VAL.