
Namespace: http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Access/2010/11/Server/WebServices/ApplicationDesignService

Specifies a firewall rule to be added to a database application. Only after the firewall rule has been added, will users whose IP address falls within the inclusive range of StartIPAddress and EndIPAddress be able to connect to the database application directly.

 <xs:complexType name="FirewallRule" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
   <xs:attribute name="StartIPAddress" type="xs:string"/>
   <xs:attribute name="EndIPAddress" type="xs:string"/>

StartIPAddress: A string ([XMLSCHEMA2] section 3.2.1) that specifies the starting IP address for the firewall rule range. MUST be an IPv4 address in string format.

EndIPAddress: A string ([XMLSCHEMA2] section 3.2.1) that specifies the ending IP address for the firewall rule range. MUST be an IPv4 address in string format.