
This operation is used to resume a crawl of a content source of the portal content project.

 <wsdl:operation name="ResumeCrawl">
         <wsdl:input message="ResumeCrawlSoapIn"/>
         <wsdl:output message="ResumeCrawlSoapOut"/>

The protocol client sends a ResumeCrawlSoapIn request message and the protocol server responds with a ResumeCrawlSoapOut response message, as follows:

  • On receipt the protocol server validates the versionIn value from the request message. If it doesn’t match the current configuration version of the crawler application, the protocol server MUST throw a SOAP fault message containing an UpdatedConcurrencyException.

  • If there is no content source with the identifier specified in the contentSource element of the request message, the protocol server MUST throw a SOAP fault message containing a DeletedConcurrencyException.

  • The protocol server MUST try to resume a crawl for the content source with the identifier specified in the contentSource element of the request message.

  • If the crawl is in a state where it cannot be resumed or is already resumed, the protocol server MUST ignore the resume request and return the current crawl status in the ResumeCrawlResult element the response message.

  • On success, the protocol server MUST return the current crawl status in the ResumeCrawlResult element the response message.

  • On error, the protocol server MUST throw a SOAP fault message.