
This operation is used to remove a crawler application and the full-text index catalog belonging to it.

 <wsdl:operation name="RemoveApp">
         <wsdl:input message="RemoveAppSoapIn"/>
         <wsdl:output message="RemoveAppSoapOut"/>

The protocol client sends a RemoveAppSoapIn request message and the protocol server responds with a RemoveAppSoapOut response message, as follows:

  • If a crawler application with the name specified by the applicationName element of the request message exists, the protocol server MUST remove the application, all the objects contained within the application, and the full-text index catalog belonging to the application.

  • If the specified application is absent, the protocol server SHOULD NOT consider the absence a failure and SHOULD continue.

  • If a folder exists at the location specified by the path resulting from combining the indexLocation element of the request message and the applicationName element of the request message, the protocol server MUST remove the folder as well.

  • If the specified folder is absent, the server SHOULD NOT consider the absence a failure and SHOULD continue.

  • On error, the protocol server MUST throw a SOAP fault message.