
This operation is used to dismount the crawler application. Dismounting of the crawler application means removing all state associated with the crawler application from the volatile memory, while preserving the persistent state.

 <wsdl:operation name="DismountApp">
         <wsdl:input message="DismountAppSoapIn"/>
         <wsdl:output message="DismountAppSoapOut"/>

The protocol client sends a DismountAppSoapIn request message and the protocol server responds with a DismountAppSoapOut response message, as follows:

  • If the applicationName element is not present in the request message or the crawler application with the name specified by the applicationName element does not exist, the protocol server MUST return an empty DismountAppResponse element.

  • Otherwise, the protocol server removes the crawler application and all the objects it contains from the volatile memory. After that an empty DismountAppResponse element MUST be returned.

  • On error, the protocol server MUST throw a SOAP fault message.