Crawler Application

This is the top level object of the hierarchy. There is one instance of the crawler application per SSP.  Accordingly, there is one instance of the server endpoint for this protocol, the Web service URL.

version: The configuration version of this crawler application. The version is incremented whenever the application state is updated by the protocol client. Any method that updates of the application state requires the last known configuration version from the protocol client. If the protocol client version does not match with the current application version, the operation fails. This will typically happen when multiple protocol clients try to update the application state at the same time.

name:   A GUID that uniquely identifies the crawler application.

retryLimit: The number of times the index server will retry fetching the item from any content source, (for example, a Web server) during the crawl in case certain types of recoverable protocol errors occur, for example, timeouts.

defaultCrawlingAccount: The name of the default crawl account that the index server uses to authenticate itself during the crawl when no other account is specified in a matching crawl rule.

defaultCrawlingAccountPassword: The password required for authentication of the defaultCrawlingAccount.

lotusNotesConfigured: If true, the Lotus Notes configuration was complete. This is specific for crawl configuration of the Lotus Notes content source. The configuration details for a Lotus Notes content source is specific to the implementation of the index server, but as far as this protocol is concerned the protocol server MUST be aware when the Lotus Notes configuration took place and communicate this information to the protocol client.

listKnownLotusNotesServers: The list of known Lotus Notes server names. This is specific for crawl configuration for Lotus Notes content sources.