
The meaning of CurrentUserPermissions is specified by [MS-ADR] section The format of the CurrentUserPermissions complex type is specified by this section. The following ABNF references types specified by section 2.2.

 CurrentUserPermissions = json-object
 Read = json-quotation-mark "Read" json-quotation-mark json-name-separator  json-bool
 Write = json-quotation-mark "Write" json-quotation-mark json-name-separator  json-bool
 Author = json-quotation-mark "Author" json-quotation-mark json-name-separator  json-bool
 IsAuthenticated = json-quotation-mark "IsAuthenticated" json-quotation-mark json-name-separator  json-bool

The meanings of Read, Write, Author, and IsAuthenticated are specified by [MS-ADR] section

CurrentUserPermissions MUST contain exactly four json-member instances, and each instance MUST be different. Each instance MUST be one of the following: Read, Write, Author, and IsAuthenticated.