
A string ([XMLSCHEMA2/2] section 3.2.1) that specifies a comma-delimited list of column widths, in pixels. The format of the list MUST conform to the following ABNF [RFC4234] grammar:

 ColumnWidths = Value *(CommaValue)
 Value        = UINT32 / EmptyValue
 EmptyValue   = ""
 CommaValue   = "," *(EmptyValue ",") UINT32
 UINT32       = 1*10(ASCII-DIGIT)

<ASCII-DIGIT> is specified in [MS-OSHARED] section 2.1.

An entry in the list is a <UINT32> or an <EmptyValue>. The first entry MUST correspond to the first column in the RowSource of the control, and so on. If the value of the ColumnCount attribute of the control is greater than the number of entries in the list, then the additional columns are specified to have a width that is automatically determined. If the entry corresponding to a column is <EmptyValue>, then that column is specified to have a width that is automatically determined. If the width of the control is greater than the sum of the specified column widths, the width of the last column SHOULD be automatically determined.

The default value is a null string.

Applies to: CT_AccComboBox, CT_AccDSComboBox, CT_AccListBox