
The DspQuery element describes how the data is manipulated before it is formatted for return to the client. The DspQuery element describes the columns of data to be included in the results, how to sort or filter the data, and the maximum number of data rows to be returned. It is defined as follows.

 <s:complexType name="DspQuery">
     <s:element name="Fields" type="tns:Fields" minOccurs="0"/>
     <s:element name="Where" minOccurs="0">
       <s:complexType mixed="true">
     <s:element name="OrderBy" type="tns:ArrayOfOrderField" minOccurs="0"/>
   <s:attribute name="RowLimit" type="s:long" default="-1"/>

Fields: Contains a list of Field elements as specified in If not specified, the result MUST be handled as if only AllFields had been set.

Where: Contains filter information as specified in [MS-WSSCAML] section 2.2. If not set then the response MUST contain all the rows of data from the data source, limited only by the RowLimit value.

OrderBy: Element of type ArrayOfOrderField as specified in If not set then the response MUST contain the rows of data in the order that they were retrieved from the data source.

RowLimit: Sets the paging limit of the request. If RowLimit is not specified, all rows of the list MUST be returned. If set, the response MUST contain a number of rows less than or equal to the row limit.