2.2.4 Complex Types

The following table summarizes the set of common XML schema complex type definitions defined by this specification. XML schema complex type definitions that are specific to a particular operation are described with the operation.

Complex type



The Categories element is a container for Category elements returned by the protocol server to the protocol client after design checking the form template (.xsn) file.


The CategoryType element provides suggestions for the protocol client on how to display the information contained within Message elements returned by the protocol server after the design check operation has finished.<1>


The DesignCheckerInformation complex element is used by the protocol server to return data to the protocol client.


The Message element indicates a specific issue the protocol server found within a form template during the browser-enable or design check processes.


The Messages element is the container for Message elements, as specified in section, returned by the protocol server after attempting to browser-enable or design check the form template.


This element indicates the location of an issue within the form template source files that is responsible for generating the corresponding Message element, as specified in section