
The VersioningSubRequestDataType complex type contains information about data or input parameters used in processing a versioning subrequest.

 <xs:complexType name="VersioningSubRequestDataType">
     <xs:attributeGroup ref="tns:VersioningSubRequestDataOptionalAttributes"/>
     <xs:attribute name="Version" type="tns:FileVersionNumberType" use="optional"/>

VersioningSubRequestDataOptionalAttributes: An attribute group that specifies the set of attributes that are provided only for a SubRequestData element whose parent SubRequest element’s Type attribute is set to "Versioning". VersioningSubRequestDataOptionalAttributes is defined in section

Version: A FileVersionNumberType that serves to uniquely identify a version of a file on the server. FileVersionNumberType is defined in section Version MUST be specified when the versioning subrequest has a VersioningSubRequestType attribute set to "RestoreVersion". The types of versioning subrequest are defined in section