
The InternalUrl attribute is a composite string denoting the path to some structural element of the site that appears in change notification (see section The structural element can be one of the following: site collection, site, list, folder, or list item. The value of InternalUrl is not meant to be used as a URL; any similarity in the name and syntax is purely coincidental. The syntax of the string is specified as follows in Augmented BNF notation [RFC5234] (assuming that the term GUID is implicitly defined):

 SPACE   =   %x20
 ALPHA  =  %x41-7A
 DIGIT  =  %x30-39
 UNDERSCORE  =  %x5F ; _ 
 PUNCTUATION = ( "."  /  "," / ";" /  "!" / "-" / "@"
                                      /   "(" / ")"  / "[" / "]" 
                                       / ";" )  ; characters  ~ " # % & * : < > ? / \ { | } are forbidden in names!
          / DIGIT / PUNCTUATION]
          ; NAME cannot begin or end with dot "." , or contain consecutive dots ".."
 PATH  = [ NAME / NAME '/’ PATH ]
 INTERNALURL  = '/siteurl=' PATH  '/siteid=' GUIDEMBRACED 
         [ '/weburl='  PATH  '/webid=' GUIDEMBRACED 
         [ ( '/listid ='  GUIDEMBRACED 
             ( [ '/folderurl='  PATH 
             [ '/itemid='  INTEGER ] ] / ‘/viewid=’ GUIDEMBRACED ) 
             / '/fpfolder='  PATH [ '/fpitemid='  NAME ] ) 
         ] ]

For folder and file changes that are not in a document library, the InternalUrl contains fpfolder and fpitemid components. For document library items the InternalUrl contains listid, folderurl, and itemid components.

For example, the InternalUrl:


targets list item with ID set to 5, and has the following components:

siteurl: Specifies the URL of the changed site collection responding to this GetChanges operation. The URL is a store-relative URL to the server URL; an empty value means the site collection URL is the same as the server URL. For example, if the site collection URL is: http://servername/sites/site01, then the siteurl will be "sites/site01"; if the site collection URL is: http://servername, the siteurl will be empty.

siteid: Specifies the GUID of the site.

weburl: Specifies the URL of the subsite relative to the site collection URL (included for Webs and child items).

webid: Specifies the GUID of that subsite.

listid: Specifies the GUID of the list (included for lists and child items).

folderurl: Specifies the path to the folder relative to the list itself (an empty value means that the item is contained in the list itself, not in a sub folder).

itemid: Specifies the identifier (integer) of the list item inside of its list (included for list items only).

Another example would be as follows.


This targets list item with ID set to 5, and has the following components:

siteurl: Specifies the store-relative URL of the structural element responding to this GetChanges operation. An empty value means "this site collection itself".

siteid: Specifies the GUID of the site.

weburl: Specifies the URL of the subsite relative to the site collection URL (included for Webs and child items).

webid: Specifies the GUID of that subsite.

fpfolder: Specifies the path to the folder relative to the subsite (for folders and files that are not in a document library).

fpitemid: Specifies the file name (included for files only).

viewid: A non-empty GUID that identifies the View.