
Each filter-alternative XML element in a filter-set defines a sequence of one or more conditions. Each condition involves either the DN or involves one or more connector space attributes of an object in connector space. An object in a connector space is said to satisfy a filter-alternative if the object's DN and attributes meet all the specified condition XML elements contained within the filter-alternative XML element.

The value of the id XML attribute MUST be provided by the client on the filter-alternative XML element when the value of the type XML attribute on the filter-set XML element is "declared".

The filter-alternative XML element is defined as a sequence of condition XML elements.

The application of an individual logical condition within a filter-alternative can yield a TRUE result if the object meets the condition, and a FALSE result if it does not. All child node conditions MUST resolve to TRUE in order for the filter-alternative to be satisfied.

The id XML attribute uniquely identifies the filter alternative and its value MUST be a GUID. Each filter alternative MUST have a unique value on the server for the id attribute.