2.2.3 LDAP Paged Search Control

The LDAP paged search control, with object identifier (OID) (3) 1.2.840.113556.1.4.319, is used with an LDAP Search operation to permit clients to perform searches that return more objects than a server-defined limit, by splitting the search into multiple searches.

This extension is defined in the Active Directory Technical Specification [MS-ADTS] section ("LDAP_PAGED_RESULT_OID_STRING") for AD DS, and is documented in [RFC2696].

A directory server implementing extension bundle B MUST implement the LDAP paged search control.

[RFC2696] section 3 permits a directory server to set the value of the "size" protocol element in a search result done message to "0" if the total size cannot be provided. A directory server MAY set the value of the "size" protocol element to "0".