
The GradientStopPosition cell is a vScalar custom token grouping that specifies the position of a gradient stop of a shape. It MUST have a LineGradient Section_Type or FillGradient Section_Type parent element.

The value of the structure MUST be expressed as a percentage, and MUST be greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to one. The value is normalized such that a value of 1 corresponds to 100 percent.  A value of zero specifies a gradient stop at the starting point of the gradient; a value of one specifies a gradient stop at the ending point of the gradient.

The gradient starting and ending points are specified by FillGradientDir or LineGradientDir and FillGradientAngle or LineGradientAngle and UseGroupGradient Cell_Type elements. The value of the structure MUST be greater than or equal to the value of preceding GradientStopPosition structures in the same section.