
The vLength custom token grouping is an aggregation of types that can be used to represent a length, including a distance, duration, or typography measurement. The value of any type in this grouping MUST be interpreted as a lengthInternalUnitNumber. The vLength contains the following tokens:

PtgEDay, PtgEHour, PtgEMin, PtgESec, PtgEWeek, PtgNumCM, PtgNumDft, PtgNumF, PtgNumFI, PtgNumI, PtgNumKM, PtgNumM, PtgNumMI, PtgNumMM, PtgNumNM, PtgNumYards, PtgPageDft, PtgTDurDft, PtgTypCD, PtgTypCi, PtgTypDft, PtgTypDi, PtgTypPi, PtgTypPP, PtgTypPt, vScalar