
The proc_UpdateListItem stored procedure is invoked to update a list item in a document library or list.

 PROCEDURE proc_UpdateListItem(
       @SiteId                        uniqueidentifier,
       @WebId                         uniqueidentifier,
       @ListId                        uniqueidentifier,
       @ItemId                        int,
       @RowOrdinal                    int,
       @Size                          int,
       @ExtraItemSize                 int                = NULL,
       @ItemName                      nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @UseNvarchar1ItemName          bit                = 1,
       @ItemDirName                   nvarchar(256)      = NULL     OUTPUT,
       @ItemLeafName                  nvarchar(256)      = NULL     OUTPUT,
       @UserId                        int,
       @Level                         tinyint            = 1        OUTPUT,
       @TimeNow                       datetime,
       @NeedsAuthorRestriction        bit                = 0,
       @NeedsDraftOwnerRestriction    bit                = 0,
       @PreserveVersion               bit                = 0,
       @IsMeetingsList                bit                = NULL,
       @IsIssueList                   bit                = NULL,
       @IsNotUserDisplayed            bit                = NULL,
       @SystemUpdate                  bit                = 0,
       @ChangeLevel                   bit                = 0,
       @CheckinItem                   bit                = 0,
       @NeedClone                     bit                = 0,
       @MajorVersionsLimit            int                = 0,
       @MajorMinorVersionsLimit       int                = 0,
       @IsDocLib                      bit                = 0,
       @CheckSchemaVersion            int                = NULL,
       @SortTypeReversed              bit                = NULL,
       @tp_Ordering                   varchar(512)       = NULL,
       @tp_ThreadIndex                varbinary(512)     = NULL,
       @tp_HasAttachment              bit                = NULL,
       @tp_ModerationStatus           int                = NULL,
       @tp_IsCurrent                  bit                = NULL,
       @tp_ItemOrder                  float              = NULL,
       @tp_Version                    int                = NULL,
       @tp_InstanceID                 int                = NULL,
       @tp_ContentTypeId              tContentTypeId     = NULL,
       @tp_CopySource                 nvarchar(260)      = NULL,
       @tp_HasCopyDestinations        bit                = NULL,
       @OnRestore                     bit                = 0,
       @BumpLastDelete                bit                = NULL,
       @CreateItemVersion             bit                = 0,
       @UIVersion                     int                = NULL,
       @NewUIVersion                  int                = NULL     OUTPUT,
       @ReturnRowset                  bit                = 1,
       @tp_Author                     int                = NULL,
       @tp_Editor                     int                = NULL,
       @tp_Created                    datetime           = NULL,
       @tp_Modified                   datetime           = NULL,
       @tp_WorkflowVersion            int                = NULL,    
       @nvarchar1                     nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar2                     nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar3                     nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar4                     nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar5                     nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar6                     nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar7                     nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar8                     nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar9                     nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar10                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar11                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar12                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar13                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar14                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar15                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar16                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar17                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar18                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar19                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar20                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar21                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar22                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar23                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar24                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar25                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar26                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar27                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar28                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar29                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar30                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar31                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar32                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar33                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar34                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar35                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar36                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar37                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar38                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar39                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar40                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar41                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar42                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar43                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar44                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar45                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar46                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar47                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar48                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar49                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar50                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar51                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar52                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar53                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar54                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar55                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar56                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar57                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar58                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar59                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar60                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar61                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar62                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar63                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @nvarchar64                    nvarchar(255)      = NULL,
       @int1                          int                = NULL,
       @int2                          int                = NULL,
       @int3                          int                = NULL,
       @int4                          int                = NULL,
       @int5                          int                = NULL,
       @int6                          int                = NULL,
       @int7                          int                = NULL,
       @int8                          int                = NULL,
       @int9                          int                = NULL,
       @int10                         int                = NULL,
       @int11                         int                = NULL,
       @int12                         int                = NULL,
       @int13                         int                = NULL,
       @int14                         int                = NULL,
       @int15                         int                = NULL,
       @int16                         int                = NULL,
       @float1                        float              = NULL,
       @float2                        float              = NULL,
       @float3                        float              = NULL,
       @float4                        float              = NULL,
       @float5                        float              = NULL,
       @float6                        float              = NULL,
       @float7                        float              = NULL,
       @float8                        float              = NULL,
       @float9                        float              = NULL,
       @float10                       float              = NULL,
       @float11                       float              = NULL,
       @float12                       float              = NULL,
       @datetime1                     datetime           = NULL,
       @datetime2                     datetime           = NULL,
       @datetime3                     datetime           = NULL,
       @datetime4                     datetime           = NULL,
       @datetime5                     datetime           = NULL,
       @datetime6                     datetime           = NULL,
       @datetime7                     datetime           = NULL,
       @datetime8                     datetime           = NULL,
       @bit1                          bit                = NULL,
       @bit2                          bit                = NULL,
       @bit3                          bit                = NULL,
       @bit4                          bit                = NULL,
       @bit5                          bit                = NULL,
       @bit6                          bit                = NULL,
       @bit7                          bit                = NULL,
       @bit8                          bit                = NULL,
       @bit9                          bit                = NULL,
       @bit10                         bit                = NULL,
       @bit11                         bit                = NULL,
       @bit12                         bit                = NULL,
       @bit13                         bit                = NULL,
       @bit14                         bit                = NULL,
       @bit15                         bit                = NULL,
       @bit16                         bit                = NULL,
       @uniqueidentifier1             uniqueidentifier   = NULL,
       @ntext1                        nvarchar(max)      = NULL,
       @ntext2                        nvarchar(max)      = NULL,
       @ntext3                        nvarchar(max)      = NULL,
       @ntext4                        nvarchar(max)      = NULL,
       @ntext5                        nvarchar(max)      = NULL,
       @ntext6                        nvarchar(max)      = NULL,
       @ntext7                        nvarchar(max)      = NULL,
       @ntext8                        nvarchar(max)      = NULL,
       @ntext9                        nvarchar(max)      = NULL,
       @ntext10                       nvarchar(max)      = NULL,
       @ntext11                       nvarchar(max)      = NULL,
       @ntext12                       nvarchar(max)      = NULL,
       @ntext13                       nvarchar(max)      = NULL,
       @ntext14                       nvarchar(max)      = NULL,
       @ntext15                       nvarchar(max)      = NULL,
       @ntext16                       nvarchar(max)      = NULL,
       @ntext17                       nvarchar(max)      = NULL,
       @ntext18                       nvarchar(max)      = NULL,
       @ntext19                       nvarchar(max)      = NULL,
       @ntext20                       nvarchar(max)      = NULL,
       @ntext21                       nvarchar(max)      = NULL,
       @ntext22                       nvarchar(max)      = NULL,
       @ntext23                       nvarchar(max)      = NULL,
       @ntext24                       nvarchar(max)      = NULL,
       @ntext25                       nvarchar(max)      = NULL,
       @ntext26                       nvarchar(max)      = NULL,
       @ntext27                       nvarchar(max)      = NULL,
       @ntext28                       nvarchar(max)      = NULL,
       @ntext29                       nvarchar(max)      = NULL,
       @ntext30                       nvarchar(max)      = NULL,
       @ntext31                       nvarchar(max)      = NULL,
       @ntext32                       nvarchar(max)      = NULL,
       @sql_variant1                  sql_variant        = NULL,
       @error_sql_variant1            int                = 0,
       @sql_variant2                  sql_variant        = NULL,
       @error_sql_variant2            int                = 0,
       @sql_variant3                  sql_variant        = NULL,
       @error_sql_variant3            int                = 0,
       @sql_variant4                  sql_variant        = NULL,
       @error_sql_variant4            int                = 0,
       @sql_variant5                  sql_variant        = NULL,
       @error_sql_variant5            int                = 0,
       @sql_variant6                  sql_variant        = NULL,
       @error_sql_variant6            int                = 0,
       @sql_variant7                  sql_variant        = NULL,
       @error_sql_variant7            int                = 0,
       @sql_variant8                  sql_variant        = NULL,
       @error_sql_variant8            int                = 0,
       @eventData                     varbinary(max)     = NULL,
       @acl                           varbinary(max)     = NULL,
       @IsFirstRow                    bit                = 1,
       @RequestGuid                   uniqueidentifier   = NULL OUTPUT

@SiteId: The site collection identifier (section for the site collection containing the list item to be updated.

@WebId: The site identifier (section for the site containing the list item.

@ListId: The list identifier (section of the List containing the list item.

@ItemId: The item identifier of the list item.

@RowOrdinal: The 0-based ordinal of the row to update in the set of rows representing this list item in the AllUserData table (section If a list item requires multiple rows to represent it in the AllUserData table because it contains more defined data columns than will fit in a single row, then this parameter specifies which row to update with this call. If more than one row of data for the list item is to be updated, then the front-end web server MUST call proc_UpdateListItem once for each updated row. This parameter MUST NOT be NULL.

@Size: The new size, in bytes, of the list item row to be updated. This parameter MUST NOT be NULL.

@ExtraItemSize: The size, in bytes, of the predefined SQL parameter fields in the list item row.

@ItemName: The new display name for the list item.

@UseNvarchar1ItemName: If @ItemName is NULL, then this bit flag specifies use of the content of @nvarchar1 for the new display name for the list item. If @ItemName is not NULL, then this parameter MUST be ignored.

@ItemDirName: An output parameter containing the directory name of the updated list item.

@ItemLeafName: An output parameter containing the leaf name of the updated list item.

@UserId: The user identifier (section for the current user. This parameter is used for comparison when the @NeedsAuthorRestriction or @NeedsDraftOwnerRestriction parameters are set. If this parameter is NULL, then the user identifier stored as the list item's editor MUST be used as the current user.

@Level: A Publishing Level type (section value specifying the publishing status of the updated list item.

@TimeNow: The current datetime in UTC. This parameter MUST NOT be NULL.

@NeedsAuthorRestriction: A bit flag specifying whether or not only the list item's author is permitted to update the list item. If this parameter is set to 1, then the current user MUST be the list item's author.

@NeedsDraftOwnerRestriction: A bit flag specifying whether or not only the list item's draft owner is permitted to update the list item. If this parameter is set to 1, the current user MUST be the list item's draft owner.

@PreserveVersion: A bit flag specifying whether to preserve the internal version number of the list item to be updated. If this parameter is set to 1, then the internal version number of the list item MUST NOT be incremented as part of the update. Otherwise, if the list item is updated, then the current internal version number MUST be incremented by an implementation-specific amount.

@IsMeetingsList: A bit flag specifying whether the list item is contained in a Meetings List (a List with a List Server Template (section value of 200).

@IsIssueList: A bit flag specifying whether the list item is contained in an Issues List (a List with a List Server Template value of 1100). This parameter MUST be ignored.

@IsNotUserDisplayed: A bit flag specifying whether the display name of the current user is not to be displayed in logging events for this update. If this parameter is set to 1, then the display name of the current user MUST NOT be used when proc_UpdateListItem logs events due to the update, and the string "***" MUST be used instead.

@SystemUpdate: A bit flag specifying whether to leave the last modification time stamp and the list item editor unchanged during this update. If this parameter is set to 1, then the list item MUST be updated without affecting the current last modification time or list item editor.

@ChangeLevel: A bit flag specifying whether to recalculate the publishing level of the list item as part of the update. If this parameter is set to 1, then the list item's publishing level MUST be recalculated.

@CheckinItem: A bit flag specifying whether to set the publishing level for the updated list item to published. If this parameter is set to 1, then proc_UpdateListItem MUST set the updated List Item's publishing level to 1 (published).

@NeedClone: A bit flag specifying whether a copy of the list item as a draft version is made as part of this update. If this parameter is set to 1, then the publishing level specified by the @Level parameter MUST also be set to 1 (published).

@MajorVersionsLimit: The number of major versions to keep of the list item.

@MajorMinorVersionsLimit: The total combined number of major versions and minor versions to keep of the list item.

@IsDocLib: A bit flag specifying whether the list item to be updated is contained within a document library. If this parameter is set to 1, then the List specified by @ListId MUST be a document library.

@CheckSchemaVersion: This specifies a list schema version number to compare with the list schema version of the list item's containing List. If this parameter is not NULL and does not match the current list schema version number, then the list item MUST NOT be updated.

@SortTypeReversed: If this parameter is 1, then the sort behavior for this item MUST be changed to the opposite of the value of the list item's type. If this parameter is 0 or NULL, then the sort behavior for this item MUST NOT be changed.

@tp_Ordering: This specifies the threading structure for this list item in a legacy Discussion Board List (a list with a List Base type (section of 3) as a concatenation of timestamp values in yyyyMMddHHmmss format. For all list items in lists with other List Base types, this parameter MUST be NULL.

@tp_ThreadIndex: This specifies the list item's position within a threaded legacy Discussion Board List (a List with a List Base type of 3) as a binary structure. For all List Items in Lists with other List Base types, this parameter MUST be NULL.

@tp_HasAttachment: A bit flag specifying whether the list item has an associated attachment.

@tp_ModerationStatus: A Moderation Status (section value specifying the current moderation approval status of this list item.

@tp_IsCurrent: A bit flag specifying whether this is the current version of this publishing level of the list item.

@tp_ItemOrder: This specifies the implementation-specific order in which the list item SHOULD be displayed with other list items from the same list. This value can be the same as other list items in the list.

@tp_Version: The internal version number value of the list item to update. If this parameter is not NULL and does not equal the current value of the internal version number of the list item, then the item MUST NOT be updated.

@tp_InstanceID: This parameter MUST be ignored.

@tp_ContentTypeId: This specifies the content type identifier of the content type for this list item. tContentTypeId is defined in section

@tp_CopySource: The URL used as a source for this list item. If this list item was not copied from a source list item, then this value MUST be NULL.

@tp_HasCopyDestinations: A bit flag specifying whether destination locations have been set for this list item to be copied to. If this list item does not have a destination location set, then this value MUST be 0.

@OnRestore: A bit flag specifying whether this list item is being inserted by an implementation-specific backup restore operation.

@BumpLastDelete: A bit flag specifying whether to update the tp_LastDeleted (section property on the List specified by @ListId. If set to 0, then the tp_ LastDeleted property MUST NOT be updated.

@CreateItemVersion: A bit flag specifying whether to create a new version of the list item as part of this update.

@UIVersion: The UI version number to set for the list item.

@NewUIVersion: An output parameter returning the UI version number set for the list item, which MUST be NULL if one was not assigned.

@ReturnRowset: A bit flag specifying whether to return an Item Update Result Set (section

@tp_Author: The user identifier to set as the author of the list item.

@tp_Editor: The user identifier to set as the last editor of the list item.

@tp_Created: A datetime in UTC to set as the list item's creation time stamp. If this parameter is NULL or @SystemUpdate is "1", then the current time stamp MUST NOT be updated.

@tp_Modified: A datetime in UTC to set as the list item's last modified time stamp. If this parameter is NULL or @SystemUpdate is "1", then the current time stamp MUST NOT be updated. If this parameter is NULL and @SystemUpdate is not "1", then @TimeNow SHOULD be set as the list item's last modified time stamp.

@tp_WorkflowVersion: If this list item is part of a workflow, then this specifies the value to set denoting the state of this list item within that workflow. If this list item is not part of a workflow, then this value MUST be NULL.

The next nine columns are duplicated a variable number of times, depending on the List Item's content type and field definitions, with each column referring to a separate List Server Template-defined field or user-defined field within the containing List. Each instance of these individual column names is differentiated by a suffix with a numeric value indicated in the column description, which replaces the placeholder "#" symbol below.

@nvarchar#: User-defined columns in the List containing values of type nvarchar. There are 64 columns numbered from 1 to 64. If the column does not contain data, then the value MUST be NULL.

@int#: User-defined columns in the List containing values of type int. There are 16 columns numbered from 1 to 16. If the column does not contain data, then the value MUST be NULL.

@float#: User-defined columns in the List containing values of type float. There are 12 columns numbered from 1 to 12. If the column does not contain data, then the value MUST be NULL.

@datetime#: User-defined columns in the List containing values of type datetime. There are eight columns numbered from 1 to 8. If the column does not contain data, then the value MUST be NULL.

@bit#: User-defined columns in the List containing values of type bit. There are 16 columns numbered from 1 to 16. If the column does not contain data, then the value MUST be NULL.

@uniqueidentifier1: A user-defined column in the List containing values of type uniqueidentifier. If the column does not contain data, then the value MUST be NULL.

@ntext#: User-defined columns in the List containing values of type nvarchar(max). There are 32 columns numbered from 1 to 32. If the column does not contain data, then the value MUST be NULL.

@sql_variant#: User-defined columns in the List containing values of type sql_variant. There are 8 columns numbered from 1 to 8. If the column does not contain data, then the value MUST be NULL.

@error_sql_variant#: An integer which specifies the type to be applied to the corresponding values specified as arguments for the parameter @sql_variant#. There are 8 columns numbered from 1 to 8. The following are valid values.




Convert the argument value to a varbinary(2).


Convert the argument value to a bit.


Convert the argument value to a float.


Convert the argument value to a datetime.

@eventData: Contains implementation-specific event (2) data significant to the front-end web server but otherwise opaque to the back-end database server, to be stored by the back-end database server for eventual writing to a log file.

@acl: The binary serialization of the WSS ACL Format (section access control list for the data supplied in @eventData, to be stored with the data.

@IsFirstRow: If @RowOrdinal is 0, then this parameter MUST be 1. Otherwise this parameter MUST be 0.

@RequestGuid: The optional request identifier for the current request.

Return Values: The proc_UpdateListItem stored procedure returns an integer return code, which MUST be in the following table.




Successful execution.


Could not create a unique filename, or the specified site does not exist.


The current user does not have sufficient permissions to update the list item.


The list item to be added is not valid.


Unable to update the list item because the input parameters do not match an existing list item, or an error occurred during a table update operation.


A valid user identifier was not specified.


The database for the site is locked.


The list item cannot be published by the current user because a different user is listed as the draft owner.


Failed to update the list item.


The current schema version of the list does not match the value specified in @CheckSchemaVersion.


Only a published list item can be copied.


The site collection is over its allocated size quota.


The specified list item was not found.

The proc_UpdateListItem stored procedure MUST return zero or one result sets as follows.