2.5.3 AnyNonPackageExecutableTypePropertyNameEnum

The AnyNonPackageExecutableTypePropertyNameEnum type contains the values for the Name attribute of the property element that are allowed for executable type ExecutableTypePackage. It is a union of the enumeration values that are allowed on all Executable types with the additional values that are specified in this section.

The following is the XSD for the AnyNonPackageExecutableTypePropertyNameEnum type.

   <xs:simpleType name="AnyNonPackageExecutablePropertyNameEnum">
     <xs:union memberTypes="DTS:AllExecutablePropertyNameEnum">
         <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
           <!--Pipeline & Tasks use these values-->
           <xs:enumeration value="ExecutionLocation"/>
           <xs:enumeration value="ExecutionAddress"/>
           <xs:enumeration value="TaskContact"/>
           <xs:enumeration value="SqlStatementSource"/>
           <!--ForLoop uses these values-->
           <xs:enumeration value="InitExpression"/>
           <xs:enumeration value="EvalExpression"/>
           <xs:enumeration value="AssignExpression"/>
           <!--ForLoop and ForEachLoop use this value-->
           <xs:enumeration value="MaxConcurrent"/>
           <!--Sequence uses this value-->
           <xs:enumeration value="LockName"/>
           <!--Web Service Task uses this value-->
           <xs:enumeration value="WsdlFile"/>

The following table specifies the enumeration values for the AnyNonPackageExecutableTypePropertyNameEnum type. Note that additional restrictions on the use of specific enumeration values of this enumeration MUST be followed. These additional restrictions are noted in the following table.

Property name



This value SHOULD be set to 0.<15>


This value SHOULD be set to EMPTY.<16>


Holds information about the contact point for this package. Intended to be helpful in support of the package. This Name attribute value cannot be used for all executables of type AnyNonPackageExecutableType. The use of this value depends on the value of the attribute on the Executable element, ExecutableType. For more information about which ExecutableType executables cannot have this attribute value specified, see ExecutableType Attribute Values for Different Executable Types.


String that contains the source of a Structured Query Language (SQL) statement.


Specifies an expression to initialize a loop. This Name attribute value cannot be used for all executables of type AnyNonPackageExecutableType. The use of the InitExpression value depends on the value of the attribute on the Executable element, ExecutableType. For more information about which ExecutableType executables cannot have this attribute value specified, see ExecutableType Attribute Values for Different Executable Types.


Specifies an expression to evaluate to determine whether a loop continues to execute. This Name attribute value cannot be used for all executables of type AnyNonPackageExecutableType. The use of this value depends on the value of the attribute on the Executable element, ExecutableType. For more information about which ExecutableType executables cannot have this attribute value specified, see ExecutableType Attribute Values for Different Executable Types.


Specifies the expression to evaluate at the end of each iteration of the loop. This Name attribute value cannot be used for all executables of type AnyNonPackageExecutableType. The use of the AssignExpression value depends on the value of the attribute on the Executable element, ExecutableType. For more information about which ExecutableType executables cannot have this attribute value specified, see ExecutableType Attribute Values for Different Executable Types.


This value SHOULD be set to 1.<17>


This value SHOULD be left blank.<18>


The name of the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file to be used for the web service.