2.49.22 List.DataSetName

Applies to RDL 2003/10 and RDL 2005/01

The List.DataSetName element specifies the name of the dataset to use to bind data to a List. This element is optional. If this element is specified, its value MUST be a case-sensitive CLS-compliant identifier [UTR15], which MUST be the value of the Name attribute of a DataSet that is contained within a Report.

This element MUST be specified if the following conditions are true:

  • The list is not contained within another data region.

  • More than one DataSet element is specified for the report.

This element is ignored for a list that is contained within another data region. A list MUST NOT be specified in a Report if no DataSet element is specified in the containing report.

If the List.DataSetName element is not specified, its value is interpreted as the value of the DataSetName of the first ancestor data region in which the list is contained or as the name of the single DataSet element that is specified for the report.

Following is the parent element of the List.DataSetName element.

Parent elements


The following is the XML Schema definition of the List.DataSetName element.          

 <xsd:element name="DataSetName" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />