2.330.1 Filter.FilterExpression

The Filter.FilterExpression element specifies an expression that is evaluated for each instance of a group, or for each row of data that is associated with a DataSet (in RDL 2008/01, RDL 2010/01, and RDL 2016/01), a group, or a data region. This expression is then compared to the value of the Filter.FilterValues element by using the Filter.Operator element. Failed comparisons MUST result in the row or instance being filtered out of its containing group, dataset, or data region.

The Filter.FilterExpression element MUST be specified, and it MUST NOT contain references to report items. If the Filter.FilterExpression element is not within a group, its value MUST NOT contain an aggregate function. If this element is within a group, it MUST NOT contain any instances of the RunningValue aggregate function, and it MUST NOT contain any First or Last aggregate functions with anything but the default (current) scope.

Following is the parent element of the Filter.FilterExpression element.

Parent elements


The following is the XML Schema definition of the Filter.FilterExpression element.

 <xsd:element name="FilterExpression" type="xsd:string" />