2.1.24 Model Function Parameter

Function elements in conceptual schema definition language (CSDL) only support inbound parameters. CSDL does not allow setting the FunctionParameter mode. It is always set to Mode="In".

The type of a Parameter can be declared either as an attribute or as a child element.

The following is an example of the type of a Parameter declared as an attribute.

 <Parameter Name="Age" Type="Edm.Int32"/>

The following is an example of the type of a Parameter declared as a child element.

 <Parameter Name="Owner">
     <TypeRef Name="Model.Person" />

The following rules apply to the Parameter element:

  • Parameter MUST have a Name attribute defined that is of type SimpleIdentifier and represents the name of this Parameter.

  • Parameter MUST define the type either as an attribute or as a child element.

  • Parameter can define facets if the type is a scalar type.

  • Parameter can contain any number of AnnotationAttribute attributes. The full names of the AnnotationAttribute attributes cannot collide.

  • A function parameter MUST be one of the following types:

    • A scalar type or a collection of scalar types.

    • An entity type or collection of entity types.

    • A complex type or collection of complex types.

    • A row type or collection of row types.

    • A reference type or collection of reference types.

  • Parameter can contain a maximum of one CollectionType element.

  • Parameter can contain a maximum of one ReferenceType element.

  • Parameter can contain a maximum of one RowType element.

  • Parameter can contain any number of AnnotationElement elements.

  • In CSDL 3.0, Parameter can contain any number of ValueAnnotation elements.

  • AnnotationElement elements are last in the sequence of child elements of a Parameter.

Graphic representation in table format of the rules that apply to the Parameter element of a given Function element.

All child elements are to appear in the order indicated. For all child elements within a given choice, the child elements can be ordered arbitrarily.