AuthenticationProviderName (Opnum 69)

The AuthenticationProviderName method is received by the server in an RPC_REQUEST packet. In response, the server MUST set the represented Message.AuthenticationProviderName.

 [propput] HRESULT AuthenticationProviderName(
   [in] BSTR bstrAuthProvName

bstrAuthProvName: A BSTR that contains the descriptive name of the cryptographic provider. The valid values are the following.

Cryptographic provider

Version validity

"Microsoft Base Cryptographic Provider, v1,0"

Valid for all versions of MSMQ.

"Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider, v1,0"

NOT valid for MSMQ 1.0 or MSMQ 2.0.

Return Values: The method MUST return S_OK (0x00000000) on success or an implementation-specific error HRESULT on failure.

When processing this call, the server MUST follow these guidelines:

  • Set the represented Message.AuthenticationProviderName to the value contained in the bstrAuthProvName input parameter.