3.14.3 Initialization

The server MUST provide an instance of this object to the client in an initialized state as a result of MSMQQuery::LookupQueue_v2 (section or MSMQQuery::LookupQueue (section calls. To initialize the object, the query constraints MUST be set by the MSMQQuery object that created this instance.

  • The initialized query constraints MUST be used to populate the ResultQueueCollection instance variable. The server MUST populate the ResultQueueCollection instance variable by generating a Read Directory event ([MS-MQDMPR] section with an attribute-filter set that constrains the returned set of Queues according to the specified query constraints

  • After initialization is complete, the server MUST set the IsInitialized instance variable to True.

If a new instance of the object is created by the client, the IsInitialized instance variable MUST be set to False and the rest of the instance variables set to NULL.