IMSMQTransaction2 Interface

The IMSMQTransaction2 interface provides methods that return information about the queue manager on a specific server. IMSMQTransaction (section inherits opnums 0 through 9 from the IMSMQTransaction interface. The version number for this interface is 1.0.

To receive incoming remote calls for this interface, the server MUST implement a DCOM object class with the CLSID {d7d6e080-dccd-11d0-aa4b-0060970debae} (coclass MSMQTransaction as specified in section 1.9), which implements the IMSMQTransaction interface using the UUID {2ce0c5b0-6e67-11d2-b0e6-00e02c074f6b}.

Methods in RPC Opnum Order




Initializes the object to represent an existing underlying transaction object.

Opnum: 10

Properties, get Properties

This method is not implemented.

Opnum: 11