TransactionalStatus (Opnum 14)

The TransactionalStatus method is received by the server in an RPC_REQUEST packet. In response, the server MUST return the represented Queue.Transactional value.

 [propget] HRESULT TransactionalStatus(
   [out, retval] long* plTransactionalStatus

plTransactionalStatus: A pointer to a long that corresponds to the XACT_STATUS enumeration as defined in the following table.





The represented Queue.Transactional equals True.



The represented Queue.Transactional equals False.



The represented Queue.QueueType equals Public, and the QueueManager.DirectoryIntegrated of the QueueManager that owns the represented Queue equals False.

Return Values: The method MUST return S_OK (0x00000000) to indicate success or an implementation-specific error HRESULT on failure.

When processing this call, the server MUST follow these guidelines:

  • If the ObjectIsInitialized instance variable is False:

    • The server MUST return MQ_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED_OBJECT (0xC00E0094), and MUST take no further action.

  • The server MUST generate a QMMgmt Get Info event with the following inputs:


  • If the rStatus return value is not equal to MQ_OK (0x00000000), the server MUST return rStatus and MUST take no further action.

  • Else:

    • If the value of the returned rPropVar was "YES":

      • The plTransactionStatus output variable MUST be set to MQ_XACT_STATUS_XACT, and the server MUST take no further action.

    • If the value of the returned rPropVar was "NO":

      • The plTransactionStatus output variable MUST be set to MQ_XACT_STATUS_NOT_XACT, and the server MUST take no further action.

    • If the value of the returned rPropVar was "UNKNOWN":

      • The plTransactionStatus output variable MUST be set to MQ_XACT_STATUS_UNKNOWN, and the server MUST take no further action.