to Element

The WS-Routing <to> element MUST be present as a child element of the <rp:path> element. It MUST contain a string that represents the URI of the destination queue that is the ultimate destination of the message. For details about MSMQ naming, see [MS-MQMQ] section 2.1.

If HTTP is selected as the underlying transport protocol, the URI of the destination queue MUST begin with "http://", as the following example shows.


If HTTPS is selected as the underlying transport protocol, the URI of the destination queue MUST begin with "https://", as the following example shows. Using HTTPS is how transport security is activated for SRMP messages.


If PGM [RFC3208] is selected as the underlying transport protocol, the URI of the destination queue MUST begin with "MSMQ:MULTICAST=", followed by the multicast IP address of the destination queue, followed by ":", and followed by the port number of the destination queue. This sequence, as is shown in the following example, is how multicast transport is activated for SRMP messages.


The <to> element corresponds to the Message.DestinationQueueFormatName attribute of the ADM Message data element. For details, see [MS-MQDMPR] section