2.191 Attribute replInterval

This attribute specifies the attribute of Site-Link objects that defines the interval, in minutes, between replication cycles among the sites in the Site-List. It is a multiple of 15 minutes (the granularity of cross-site DS replication), a minimum of 15 minutes, and a maximum of 10,080 minutes (one week). For more information, refer to [MS-DRSR].

 cn: Repl-Interval
 ldapDisplayName: replInterval
 attributeId: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1336
 omSyntax: 2
 isSingleValued: TRUE
 schemaIdGuid: 45ba9d1a-56fa-11d2-90d0-00c04fd91ab1
 systemOnly: FALSE
 searchFlags: 0

Version-Specific Behavior: First implemented on Windows 2000 Server operating system.

The schemaFlagsEx attribute was added to this attribute definition in Windows Server 2008 operating system.