Bound Parameters

RDS Transport Protocol uses two features of the parameter binding extensions: query parameter substitution and parameter metadata discovery. In query parameter substitution, the server allows a literal value in a SQL-92 query to be replaced with a '?' placeholder. At the time the query is run, literal values for the '?' placeholders are supplied to the server as query parameters using the rdsSQLCommandParameters field (for more information, see [MSDN-RDS]). Given a parameterized query such as "Select * from authors where fname = ? and lname = ?" and query parameters of 'Ernest' and 'Hemingway', query parameter substitution will replace '?' placeholders with the literal parameters, resulting in a self-contained query such as "Select * from authors where fname = 'Ernest' and lname= 'Hemingway'" are being sent to the data store.

In parameter metadata discovery, the server parses the semantics of the query and returns to the client the set of syntactic and semantic constraints on the range of values the placeholder can take that can be expressed using the metadata vocabulary supported by rdsSQLCommandParameters. An RDS Transport Protocol server MUST perform query parameter substitution. The client sends a parameterized rdsSQLCommandString and a non-empty value of the rdsSQLCommandParameters field. The RDS Transport Protocol server MUST perform parameter metadata discovery when the client sends a parameterized rdsSQLCommandString and does not send an rdsSQLCommandParameters in the input request, provided that the data store to which the operations are sent supports parameterized queries. In this case, the RDS Transport Protocol server would include the parameter metadata in an rdsSQLCommandParameters field in the response to the client.