Error Codes

Error codes are returned in the soap:Fault element. A vendor MAY create a subset of or extend these error codes by supporting private error subcodes. All fault messages defined in this specification MUST be sent according to the rules specified in [WSAddressing] section 4. The messages are sent to the [fault endpoint], if present and valid. Otherwise, they are sent to the [reply endpoint], if present. If neither are present, faults can be sent to the [source endpoint].

Endpoints compliant with this specification MUST include required message information headers on all fault messages. Fault messages are correlated as replies using the [relationship] property as defined in WS-Addressing. The following [action] property designates fault messages.


Properties are bound to a [SOAP1.2-1/2003] fault as follows.

             <!-- Headers excluded for clarity -->
             <S:Text xml:lang="en">

The definitions of faults use the following properties.


Fault code


The fault subcode.


The English language reason element.


 The detail element. If absent, no detail element is defined for the fault.