
 The hits.log file MUST conform to the following syntax, as specified in [RFC4234].

 HitsLog  = HitEntry / (HitEntry HitsLog)
 HitEntry = Time SP SP Date HTAB Machine HTAB User HTAB FileName CRLF
 FileName = 1*260CHAR  / "No CAB"    ;    see below for delimiter handling

Time, Date, Machine, User: These elements MUST conform to section 2.2.2.

FileName: The name of the error reporting file. A CRLF pair MUST NOT appear in the FileName, since that is reserved as the line delimiter. An HTAB MUST NOT appear in the FileName, since that is reserved as the item delimiter. If an error reporting file was not written, the string "No CAB" MUST be used in its place.