R_DhcpAddSubnetElementV5 (Opnum 37)

The R_DhcpAddSubnetElementV5 method adds an IPv4 subnet element to the specified IPv4 subnet defined on the DHCPv4 server. The subnet elements can be IPv4 reservation for DHCPv4 or BOOTP clients, IPv4 range, or the IPv4 exclusion range for DHCPv4 or BOOTP clients.

 DWORD R_DhcpAddSubnetElementV5(
   [in, unique, string] DHCP_SRV_HANDLE ServerIpAddress,
   [in] DHCP_IP_ADDRESS SubnetAddress,
   [in, ref] LPDHCP_SUBNET_ELEMENT_DATA_V5 AddElementInfo

ServerIpAddress: The IP address/host name of the DHCP server. This parameter is unused.

SubnetAddress: This is of type DHCP_IP_ADDRESS (section that contains the IPv4 subnet ID to which the IPv4 subnet element is added.

AddElementInfo: This is a pointer to structure DHCP_SUBNET_ELEMENT_DATA_V5 (section that contains the IPv4 subnet element which needs to be added to the IPv4 subnet.

For this call with ElementType of DhcpSecondaryHosts (section, ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED is returned.

For this call with ElementType of DhcpIpUsedClusters, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER is returned.

Return Values: A 32-bit unsigned integer value that indicates return status. A return value ERROR_SUCCESS (0x00000000) indicates that the operation was completed successfully, else it contains a Win32 error code, as specified in [MS-ERREF]. This error code value can correspond to a DHCP-specific failure, which takes a value between 20000 and 20099, or any generic failure.

Return value/code




The call was successful.



The specified IPv4 subnet does not exist on the DHCP server.



An error occurred while accessing the DHCP server database.



The specified DHCP client is not an IPv4-reserved client.



The specified IPv4 address or hardware address is being used by another DHCP client.



The specified IPv4 range either overlaps an existing range or is not valid.



Conversion of a scope to a DHCP-only scope or to a BOOTP-only scope is not allowed when DHCP and BOOTP clients both exist in the scope. Manually delete either the DHCP or the BOOTP clients from the scope, as appropriate for the type of scope being created.



There is an IP range configured for a policy in this scope. This operation on the scope IP address range cannot be performed until the policy IP address range is suitably modified.



Conversion of a failover scope to a scope of type BOOTP or BOTH could not be performed. Failover is supported only for DHCP scopes.

The opnum field value for this method is 37.

When processing this call, the DHCP server MUST do the following:

  • Validate if this method is authorized for read/write access per section 3.5.5. If not, return the error ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED.

  • Retrieve the DHCPv4Scope ADM element entry corresponding to SubnetAddress from the DHCPv4ScopesList server ADM element.

  • If the DHCPv4Scope element entry is not found, return ERROR_DHCP_SUBNET_NOT_PRESENT.

  • If the ElementType member in the AddElementInfo parameter is set to DhcpSecondaryHosts, return ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED.

  • If ElementType member is DhcpIpUsedClusters, return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER.

  • If ElementType member is set to DhcpIpRanges or DhcpIpRangesDhcpOnly or DhcpIpRangesDhcpBootp or DhcpIpRangesBootpOnly, and IpRange member is NULL, return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER.

  • If the IsFailover member of the DHCPv4Scope ADM element entry is set to TRUE and if the ElementType member of the AddElementInfo parameter is set to  DhcpIpRangesBootpOnly or DhcpIpRangesDhcpBootp, return ERROR_DHCP_FO_IPRANGE_TYPE_CONV_ILLEGAL.<49>

  • If the ElementType member is set to DhcpIpRanges or DhcpIpRangesDhcpOnly and the new IP address range is the same as the existing IP address range or the new IP address range is either completely within the existing address range or completely contains the existing address range, then the existing IP range can be changed. If there is any DHCPv4Client element entry in DHCPv4Scope.DHCPv4ClientsList element with bClientType member matching CLIENT_TYPE_BOOTP, then the range cannot be converted into a DHCP-only range; in which case return ERROR_DHCP_IPRANGE_CONV_ILLEGAL.

  • If the ElementType member is set to DhcpIpRangesBootpOnly and the new IP address range is the same as the existing IP address range or the new IP address range is either completely within the existing address range or completely contains the existing address range, then the existing IP range can be changed. If there is any DHCPv4Client element entry in DHCPv4Scope.DHCPv4ClientsList element with bClientType member matching CLIENT_TYPE_DHCP, then the range cannot be converted into a BOOTP-only range; in which case return ERROR_DHCP_IPRANGE_CONV_ILLEGAL.

  • If the ElementType member is set to DhcpIpRanges, iterate over the DHCPv4Policy objects in DHCPv4Scope.DHCPv4ScopePolicyList. For each DHCPv4Policy object found, iterate over the ranges in the object's DHCPv4Policy.Ranges member. If the StartAddress or EndAddress member of any range is found to lie outside the new IP address range specified by the StartAddress or EndAddress member of the DHCP_IP_RANGE structure within the input parameter AddElementInfo, return ERROR_SCOPE_RANGE_POLICY_RANGE_CONFLICT.<50>

  • If the ElementType member is set to DhcpIpRangesDhcpBootp and the IpRange member is same as the DHCPv4IpRange.RangeInfo in the first entry of DHCPv4Scope.DHCPv4IpRangesList element, then return ERROR_SUCCESS.

  • If EndAddress of any kind of IPv4 range is less than StartAddress, return ERROR_DHCP_INVALID_RANGE.

  • If the ElementType member is set to DhcpIpRanges, DhcpIpRangesDhcpOnly, DhcpIpRangesDhcpBootp, or DhcpIpRangesBootpOnly, do the following:

    •  If DHCPv4Scope.DHCPv4IpRangesList is not empty and the new IP address range is not the same as the DHCPv4IpRange.RangeInfo of an existing IP address range, the new IP address range (specified by the StartAddress and EndAddress members of the DHCP_BOOTP_IP_RANGE (section structure) has to either be completely within the existing address range or completely contain the existing address range; if neither condition is met, return error ERROR_DHCP_INVALID_RANGE.

    • If DHCPv4Scope.DHCPv4IpRangesList is empty, create a new DHCPv4IpRange object, set the DHCPv4IpRange.RangeInfo to IpRange and DHCPv4IpRange.RangeInfo.BootPAllocated to 0. If the ElementType is set to DhcpIpRanges or DhcpIpRangesDhcpOnly or DhcpIpRangesBootpOnly, DHCPv4IpRange.RangeInfo.MaxBootpAllowed is set to 0xFFFFFFFF. Populate the DHCPv4IpRange.BitMask with bits corresponding to all of the addresses within the newly created range and initialize each bit to 0 indicating the availability of its corresponding address for allocation to a DHCPv4 client. Insert the new object into DHCPv4Scope.DHCPv4IpRangesList.

    • If DHCPv4Scope.DHCPv4IpRangesList is not empty, set the existing DHCPv4IpRange.RangeInfo.StartAddress and DHCPv4IpRange.RangeInfo.EndAddress to IpRange.StartAddress and IpRange.EndAddress respectively. DHCPv4IpRange.BitMask needs to be expanded or contracted according to the new IpRange.StartAddress and IpRange.EndAddress. Accordingly, add or remove bits from the DHCPv4IpRange.BitMask. If adding bits for expansion, initialize them to 0 indicating the availability of their corresponding addresses for allocation to a DHCPv4 client.

    • If ElementType member is DhcpExcludedIpRanges (section, create a DHCPv4ExclusionRange element entry and set it to ExcludeIpRange and insert it into DHCPv4ExclusionRangesList element.

    • If the ElementType member is set to DhcpReservedIps, and ReservedIpAddress specified in the ReservedIp field in Element does not fall within the DHCPv4IpRange.RangeInfo of a range within DHCPv4Scope.DHCPv4IpRangesList and is not an existing reserved address, return ERROR_DHCP_NOT_RESERVED_CLIENT.<51>

    • If ElementType member is set to DhcpReservedIps (section, and there is a DHCPv4Reservation element in DHCPv4ReservationsList element that corresponds to the reserved IPv4 address and/or hardware address specified in ReservedIp (section, return ERROR_DHCP_RESERVEDIP_EXITS; else create a DHCPv4Reservation element entry and set it to ReservedIp input field. Insert the object into the DHCPv4Scope.DHCPv4ReservationsList ADM element.

    • If ElementType is set to DhcpReservedIps and the previous steps resulted in a DHCPv4Reservation ADM element object being inserted into the DHCPv4Scope.DHCPv4ReservationsList ADM element, construct a temporary DHCPv4 client unique ID (section by combining the DHCPv4Scope.ScopeInfo.SubnetAddress ADM element and the ReservedForClient input field. If a DHCPv4Client ADM element object corresponding to the ReservedForClient input field and the temporary unique ID does not exist within the DHCPv4Scope.DHCPv4ClientsList ADM element, create one and insert it into the list thereby marking the address as unavailable to other clients. The DHCPv4Client ADM element object is initialized as follows:

      • DHCPv4Client.ClientIpAddress ADM element is set to the ReservedIpAddress input field.

      • DHCPv4Client.SubnetMask ADM element is set to the DHCPv4Scope.Scopeinfo.SubnetMask ADM element.

      • DHCPv4Client.ClientHardwareAddress ADM element is set to the temporary DHCPv4 client unique ID constructed above.

      • DHCPv4Client.ClientLeaseExpires ADM element is set to 0.

      • DHCPv4Client.ClientName ADM element is set to NULL.

      • DHCPv4Client.ClientComment ADM element is set to NULL.

      • DHCPv4Client.OwnerHost.NetBiosName ADM element is set to the NetBIOS name of the DHCPv4 server.

      • DHCPv4Client.OwnerHost.IpAddress ADM element is set to

      • DHCPv4Client.bClientType ADM element is set to CLIENT_TYPE_NONE.

      • DHCPv4Client.AddressState ADM element is set to ADDRESS_STATE_ACTIVE.

      • DHCPv4Client.QuarantineCapable ADM element is set to FALSE.

      • DHCPv4Client.Status ADM element is set to NOQUARANTINE.

      • DHCPv4Client.ProbationEnds ADM element is set to 0.

      • The DHCPv4Client.SentPotExpTime ADM element is set to 0.

      • The DHCPv4Client.AckPotExpTime ADM element is set to 0.

      • The DHCPv4Client.RecvPotExpTime ADM element is set to 0.

      • The DHCPv4Client.StartTime ADM element is set to 0.

      • The DHCPv4Client.CltLastTransTime ADM element is set to 0.

      • The DHCPv4Client.LastBndUpdTime ADM element is set to 0.

      • The DHCPv4Client.flags ADM element is set to 0.

      • The DHCPv4Client.bndMsgStatus ADM element is set to 0.

      • The DHCPv4Client.PolicyName ADM element is set to 0.

    • In continuation of the previous step, if the ReservedIp input field falls within the limits of a range element contained in DHCPv4Scope.DHCPv4IpRangesList ADM element, then set the bit corresponding to the IPv4 address in that DHCPv4IpRange.Bitmask ADM element to 1 to indicate the unavailability of the address when selecting a fresh address for allocation to DHCPv4 clients.

Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown beyond those thrown by the underlying RPC protocol [MS-RPCE].