The DHCP_ALL_OPTION_VALUES structure contains all option values for a specified user class and vendor class. This structure is used in the R_DhcpGetAllOptionValuesV6 (section method.

 typedef struct _DHCP_ALL_OPTION_VALUES {
   DWORD Flags;
   DWORD NumElements;
   [size_is(NumElements)] struct {
     LPWSTR ClassName;
     LPWSTR VendorName;
     BOOL IsVendor;
   }* Options;

Flags: This is an unused field, and it MUST be initialized to 0 in an RPC method that modifies the DHCP server configuration. This MUST be treated as an error if it is nonzero in an RPC method that queries DHCP server configuration.

NumElements: This is of type DWORD, containing the number of options in the subsequent field, the Options structure member.

Options: This structure defines the user and vendor-specific options

ClassName: A pointer to a null-terminated Unicode string that contains the name of the user class.

VendorName: A pointer to a null-terminated Unicode string that contains the name of the vendor class.

IsVendor: This is of type BOOL that specifies whether this option set is specific to a vendor class or default vendor class.

OptionsArray: This is a pointer to an array of DHCP_OPTION_VALUE_ARRAY (section structures that points to an array of all the options for a specified user class and vendor class.