IDMNotify::ObjectsChanged (Opnum 3)

The ObjectsChanged method notifies the client of object changes.

 HRESULT ObjectsChanged(
   [in] DWORD ByteCount,
   [in, size_is(ByteCount)] byte* ByteStream

ByteCount: Length of ByteStream in bytes.

ByteStream: Array of bytes that compose any number of variable-length change notification structures. Memory for the array is allocated and freed by the caller (that is, the server).

Any variable-length change notification structure in the array starts with a fixed header that contains the fields shown in the following table.

Field name

Data type




The total size of the structure in bytes.



The type of object that changed.



The type of change that the object underwent.

Depending on the value of type, the fixed header of the notification structure is followed by one of the following items.


Structure following the fixed header












If client called Initialize on IVolumeClient interface, then DISK_INFO.

If client called Initialize on IVolumeClient3 interface, then DISK_INFO_EX.


If client called Initialize on IVolumeClient interface, then REGION_INFO.

If client called Initialize on IVolumeClient3 interface, then REGION_INFO_EX.

Note The structures that are transmitted within ByteStream are not marshaled in RPC Network Data Representation (NDR) format. They are C structures, and the memory layout and field types are those found on the Windows/Intel 32-bit and 64-bit architectures, and, Windows/AMD 64-bit architecture. These structures are not packed, and padding bytes can exist between successive structure fields to ensure that the field of a given data type begins at a byte offset that is an integer multiple of the type's size with respect to the beginning of the structure. The structures transmitted within ByteStream also appear in other interfaces as RPC-marshaled structures. In these interfaces, the structure fields will be marshaled in NDR format.

The byte stream contains a sequence of one or more notification frames. Each frame is made up of a sequence of the following fields: size, type, action, and a structure of the type specified in the type field. Some of the structures contain character pointer fields. These fields contain pointers to variable-length character strings, and the following technique is used at the server to load the byte stream:

  1. The structure is copied one byte at a time from memory into ByteStream beginning at first byte after action field. If the structure contains character pointer fields, those fields are omitted.

  2. The character strings of the character pointer fields are copied into ByteStream following the structure in the order in which they appear in the structure. All strings are null-terminated. There is no padding between the end of the structure and the first string, or between successive strings.

    At the client, the following technique is used to parse the byte stream back into the appropriate structures:

  3. The notification size, type, and action are parsed from the byte stream.

  4. The notification object structure, up through the first string field, is copied out of the byte stream and into the appropriate structure. For the IVolumeClient interface, the disk and region structures are DISK_INFO and REGION_INFO; for the IVolumeClient3 interface, the structures are DISK_INFO_EX and REGION_INFO_EX. The client's ObjectsChanged implementation MUST switch based on which version of the IVolumeClient interface is being used. The client MUST also determine the type of processor architecture for both the server and client. If the architectures are the same, the padding in the client-defined structures will match that used in the server's byte stream. If the architectures are not the same, the client MUST use the proper method for parsing the byte stream, taking into account padding that MAY have been added for alignment purposes on either the client or on the server. For more information, see section 8.

    Allocations are done on the client to hold the character strings of the character pointer fields. These fields are copied from ByteStream to the client-allocated buffers, and appropriate structure fields are set to point to the client-allocated buffers. All strings are null-terminated.

Return Values: The method MUST return 0 or a nonerror HRESULT on success, or an implementation-specific nonzero error code on failure (as specified in [MS-ERREF] section 2.1).