The DS_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO_FFFFFFFFW structure defines DC information that is returned as a part of the response to an InfoLevel = 0xFFFFFFFF request. The struct contains information about a single LDAP connection to the current server.

 typedef struct {
   DWORD IPAddress;
   DWORD NotificationCount;
   DWORD secTimeConnected;
   DWORD Flags;
   DWORD TotalRequests;
   DWORD Reserved1;
   [string, unique] WCHAR* UserName;

IPAddress: The IPv4 address of the client that established the LDAP connection to the server. If the client is connected with IPv6, this field MUST be zero.

NotificationCount: Number of LDAP notifications enabled on the server.

secTimeConnected: Total time in number of seconds that the connection is established.

Flags: Zero or more of the bit flags from LDAP_CONN_PROPERTIES indicating the properties of this connection.

TotalRequests: Total number of LDAP requests made on this LDAP connection.

Reserved1: Unused. MUST be 0 and ignored.

UserName: Name of the security principal that established the LDAP connection.