The URL specified by the client in the HTTP request line of the GET request identifies the "status point" targeted for the client. The server might have multiple status points and different status points might have different access permissions associated with them. For example, some status points require HTTP access authentication (as specified in [RFC2616] section 11). Other status points allow only clients that connect from a specific IP address.

The syntax of the GetStatusReport request is defined as follows.

 DSC-GetStatusReport-Request  =  DSC-GetStatusReport-Req-Line DSC-GetStatusReportSetReq-Headers 
 DSC-GetStatusReport-Req-Line   = "GET" SP Request-URI SP HTTP-Version CRLF
 Request-URI = Request-URI-Start DSC-GetStatusReportRequest-URI-End
 DSC-GetStatusReportRequest-URI-End = "Node (ConfigurationId=" SQUOTE ConfigurationID SQUOTE RBRACKET FSLASH "Reports(JobId=" SQUOTE JOBID SQUOTE RBRACKET
 SQUOTE = %x27  ;  ' (Single Quote)
 RBRACKET = %x29 ; ) (Closing Bracket)
 FSLASH = %x2F ; / (Forward Slash)
 ConfigurationID = UUID ; as specified in [RFC4122] 
 JOBID = UUID; as specified in [RFC4122] 
 DSC-GetStatusReportSetReq-Headers = *( DSC-GetStatusReportSetReq-Header-REQ
      / DSC-GetStatusReportSetReq-Header-OPT ) 
 DSC-GetStatusReportSetReq-Header-REQ    = Host    ; section 14.23 of [RFC2616] 
           / Accept ; section 14.1 of [RFC2616] 
           / ContentType ; section
           / Content-Length ; section 14.13 of [RFC2616] 
 DSC-GetStatusReportSetReq-Header-OPT    = Connection  ; section 14.10 of [RFC2616] 
            / Expect ; section 14.20 of [RFC2616] 

The syntax of the GetStatusReport response is defined as follows:

 DSC-GetStatusReport-Response  = Status-Line DSC-GetStatusReportResp-Headers DSC-GetStatusReportResp-Body
 DSC-GetStatusReportResp-Headers = *( DSC-GetStatusReportResp-Header-REQ
                            / DSC-GetStatusReportResp-Header-OPT)
 DSC-GetStatusReportResp-Header-REQ  =  Content-Length ; section 14.13 of [RFC2616] 
        / Content-Type ; section
 DSC-GetStatusReportResp-Header-OPT  =  Server     ; section 14.38 of [RFC2616] 
 DSC-GetStatusReportResp-Body = StatusReportContent ; section

The response message for this method can result in the following status codes.

Status code



Request completed.


Bad request.


The resource is not found.