IFsrmAction Methods

The IFsrmAction interface provides methods that are the base interface for all action objects.

To receive incoming remote calls for this interface, the server MUST implement a DCOM object using the UUID {6cd6408a-ae60-463b-9ef1-e117534d69dc}.

This DCOM interface inherits the IDispatch interface. Method opnum field values start with 7. Opnum values 0 through 2 represent the IUnknown::QueryInterface, IUnknown::AddRef, and IUnknown::Release methods as specified in [MS-DCOM], while opnum values 3 through 6 represent the IDispatch::GetTypeInfoCount, IDispatch::GetTypeInfo, IDispatch::GetIDsOfNames, and IDispatch::Invoke methods as specified in [MS-OAUT].

Methods in RPC Opnum Order



Id (get)

Opnum: 7

ActionType (get)

Opnum: 8

RunLimitInterval (get)

Opnum: 9

RunLimitInterval (get)

Opnum: 10


Opnum: 11