NamespaceRoots (put) (Opnum 18)

The NamespaceRoots (put) method sets the namespace roots that the rule will apply to when classification is run.

 [propput, id(FSRM_PROPERTY(FSRM_DISPID_RULE | 0x04))] HRESULT NamespaceRoots(
   [in] SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) namespaceRoots

namespaceRoots: Contains the namespace roots that the rule will apply to when classification is run.

Return Values: The method MUST return zero on success, or a nonzero error code on failure.

Return value/code




This code is returned for the following reasons:

  • The namespaceRoots parameter is empty.

  • One of the variant types in the array is not a string.

Upon receiving this message, the server MUST validate parameters:

  • Verify that namespaceRoots contains valid local directories.

If any validation fails, the server MUST terminate processing and return a nonzero error code.

 The server MUST set the namespace roots of the rule to namespaceRoots.