
The FsrmEnumOptions enumeration defines the different options that can be used when enumerating collections of File Server Resource Manager Protocol objects.

 typedef  enum _FsrmEnumOptions
   FsrmEnumOptions_None = 0x00000000,
   FsrmEnumOptions_Asynchronous = 0x00000001,
   FsrmEnumOptions_CheckRecycleBin = 0x00000002,
   FsrmEnumOptions_IncludeClusterNodes = 0x00000004,
   FsrmEnumOptions_IncludeDeprecatedObjects = 0x00000008
 } FsrmEnumOptions;

FsrmEnumOptions_None:  Use no options and enumerate objects synchronously.

FsrmEnumOptions_Asynchronous:  Enumerate the objects asynchronously.

FsrmEnumOptions_CheckRecycleBin:  Include items that are in the Recycle Bin when enumerating. This will include files that are located in a folder that has "$RECYCLE.BIN" in its path regardless of capitalization. Without this option, those files will be excluded.

FsrmEnumOptions_IncludeClusterNodes:  If the system is configured to be part of a cluster, include all objects even if they are not currently available on the system (identified by the machine name). Without this option, only objects available on the current system will be included.

FsrmEnumOptions_IncludeDeprecatedObjects:  If any objects were marked Deprecated, they will appear only when enumerated with this option.