ClassificationReportMailTo (put) (Opnum 12)

The ClassificationReportMailTo (put) method sets the email address recipient list to which reports will be emailed when the classification is run and returns S_OK upon successful completion. The format of the email address needs to be as specified in [RFC5322].

 [propput, id(FSRM_PROPERTY(FSRM_DISPID_CLASSIFICATION_MANAGER | 0x03))] HRESULT ClassificationReportMailTo(
   [in] BSTR mailTo

mailTo: Contains the email address recipient list to which reports will be emailed when the classification is run. The maximum length of this string MUST be 255 characters.

Return Values: The method MUST return zero on success, or a nonzero error code on failure.

 The server MUST set the Default Classification Job's Classification Job.Mail to to mailTo or return a nonzero error code.

If mailTo contains the string "[ADMIN EMAIL]", the server MUST send the email to the Administrator email address setting (section