1.4 Relationship to Other Protocols

The relationships among the LSAT, LSAD, RPC, and SMB protocols

Figure 1: The relationships among the LSAT, LSAD, RPC, and SMB protocols

The Local Security Authority (Translation Methods) Remote Protocol is composed of a subset of opnums in an interface that also includes the Local Security Authority (Domain Policy) Remote Protocol, as specified in [MS-LSAD].

The Local Security Authority (Translation Methods) Remote Protocol is dependent upon RPC, which is used to communicate between domain members and domain controllers.

This protocol depends on the Server Message Block (SMB) Protocol [MS-SMB] and the TCP/IP protocol for sending messages on the wire.

Some messages in this protocol depend on the Netlogon Remote Protocol, as specified in [MS-NRPC], having successfully negotiated security parameters to be used. For more information on the messages that have this requirement, see section 3.1.4.

The Directory Replication Service (DRS) Remote Protocol, as specified in [MS-DRSR], exposes functionality similar to what this protocol achieves, but serves a different purpose. The DRS Remote Protocol can translate names in different syntaxes, but lacks the functionality to translate names from different forests. An application uses one or both protocols, depending on the syntax of names for which the application requires translation.

The Security Account Manager (SAM) Remote Protocol (Client-to-Server), as specified in [MS-SAMR], exposes similar functionality for security principals that are local to a server.

The Active Directory Technical Specification [MS-ADTS] discusses Active Directory, which is used by this protocol.