
The value of the mSMQOutRoutingServers attribute MUST be computed according to the following algorithm:

  1. Let DNList be a list of distinguished names, initialized to be empty.

  2. For each GUID in iDirectoryObject.OutRoutingServerIdentifierList, these steps MUST be performed:

    • Generate a Read Directory (section event with the following arguments:

      • iDirectoryObjectType := "QueueManager"

      • iFilter := An array of the following attribute-filter expressions ([MS-MQDMPR] section

        • "Identifier" EQUALS the current GUID from iDirectoryObject.OutRoutingServerIdentifierList

      • iAttributeList := An array of the following QueueManager ADM element attribute names:

        • FullPath

    • If the rStatus returned by the Read Directory event is not set to DirectoryOperationResult.Success, this GUID MUST be skipped.

    • If the rStatus returned by the Read Directory event is set to DirectoryOperationResult.Success, the value of the rDirectoryObject.FullPath returned by the Read Directory event must be added to DNList.

  3. The value of mSMQOutRoutingServers MUST be the value of DNList.