6 Appendix A: Full IDL

For ease of implementation, the full IDL is provided below, where "ms-dtyp.idl" refers to the IDL found in [MS-DTYP] Appendix A (section 5), and "ms-mqmq.idl" refers to the IDL found in [MS-MQMQ] Appendix A (section 5). The syntax uses the IDL syntax extensions defined in [MS-RPCE] sections 2.2.4 and For example, as noted in [MS-RPCE] section, a pointer_default declaration is not required, and pointer_default(unique) is assumed.

 import "ms-dtyp.idl";
 import "ms-mqmq.idl";
 interface qmmgmt
     typedef enum __MgmtObjectType {
         MGMT_MACHINE = 1,
         MGMT_QUEUE = 2,
         MGMT_SESSION = 3,
     } MgmtObjectType;
     typedef struct _MGMT_OBJECT {
         MgmtObjectType type;
         [switch_is(type)] union
                 QUEUE_FORMAT* pQueueFormat;
                 DWORD         Reserved1;
                 DWORD         Reserved2;
         QM Management functions
     HRESULT R_QMMgmtGetInfo(
         [in] handle_t hBind,
         [in] const MGMT_OBJECT* pObjectFormat,
         [in, range(1,128)] DWORD cp,
         [in, size_is (cp)] ULONG aProp[],
         [in, out, size_is(cp)] PROPVARIANT apVar[]
     HRESULT R_QMMgmtAction(
         [in] handle_t hBind,
         [in] const MGMT_OBJECT* pObjectFormat,
         [in] const wchar_t * lpwszAction