
The ISAFSession interface is implemented by servers to describe sessions.

The UUID for this interface is:


Opnums 3 and 4 are not used across the network. These opnums are reserved and MUST NOT be reused by non-Microsoft implementations.<11>

Methods in RPC Opnum Order



SessionID (Get)

Retrieves the identifier number of the session.

Opnum: 7

SessionID (Set)

Sets the identifier number of the session.

Opnum: 8

SessionState (Get)

Retrieves the state of the session.

Opnum: 9

SessionState (Set)

Sets the state of the session.

Opnum: 10

DomainName (Get)

Retrieves the domain name for the session user.

Opnum: 11

DomainName (Set)

Sets the domain name for the session user.

Opnum: 12

UserName (Get)

Retrieves the user name for the session.

Opnum: 13

UserName (Set)

Sets the user name for the session.

Opnum: 14

Opnums 0, 1, and 2 are reserved for the IUnknown_QueryInterface, AddRef, and Release methods used by the standard COM IUnknown interface, as specified in [MS-DCOM] section Opnums 5 and 6 are reserved for the GetIDsOfNames and Invoke methods in the IDispatch interface, as specified in [MS-OAUT] section 3.1.