The IRASrv interface is implemented by the novice computer to allow the expert computer to request a Remote Assistance Connection String.<12>

The UUID for this interface is: "F120A684-B926-447F-9DF4-C966CB785648".

Opnums 3 and 4 are not used across the network. These opnums are reserved and MUST NOT be reused by non-Microsoft implementations.<13>

Methods in RPC Opnum Order




Retrieves the Remote Assistance Connection String information for a specified terminal services session.

Opnum: 7


Returns the collection of the terminal services sessions on the remote novice computer. This method also returns the number of terminal services sessions running on the novice computer. All the terminal services session information is returned as a SAFEARRAY. The elements of this SAFEARRAY are strings with information about the DomainName, UserName, and SessionID for each terminal services session.

Opnum: 8

Opnums 0, 1, and 2 are reserved for the IUnknown_QueryInterface, AddRef, and Release methods used by the standard COM IUnknown interface, as specified in [MS-DCOM] section Opnums 5 and 6 are reserved for the GetIDsOfNames, and Invoke methods in the IDispatch interface, as specified in [MS-OAUT] section 3.1.