Redirect Clipboard Data from a Remote Application--RDP Client


To use the local clipboard of the RDP client to perform clipboard operations on a remote application running on an RD Session Host server.

Context of Use

The user of a remote application can copy data from a remote application and paste data to a remote application using the local clipboard when a static virtual channel supporting clipboard redirection is established during the initial RDP connection.


RDP client: The RDP client can copy data from a remote application or paste data to a remote application.

Remote application: It is an application running on the remote machine.

RD Session Host: The RD Session Host is hosting the remote desktop or remote application to which the direct actor is connecting. The RD Session Host manages redirecting clipboard data from the remote application to the clipboard on the RDP client.

Stakeholders and Interests

Clipboard on the RDP client: The clipboard on the RDP client is accessible to the remote application or remote desktop session after the RDP connection is established.

Clipboard on the remote desktop: The clipboard on the remote desktop is synchronized with the clipboard on the RDP client, providing the redirection functionality.


The RDP client is connected to the RD Session Host. The RDP connection supports clipboard redirection. The remote desktop or remote application is running on the RD Session Host. The RD Session Host has permission to access the clipboard on the RDP client.

Main Success Scenario

  1. Trigger: The RDP client attempts to use clipboard features to copy data from or paste data to a remote application.

  2. The remote desktop system provides access to clipboard operations between RDP client and remote application.

  3. The RDP client application will be able to do clipboard operations between client applications.

