Rules for Modifying the List of Storage Objects

A number of protocol message processing steps result in the server modifying its list of storage objects. Possible actions include the following:

  • Add storage object. This action is complete when a new storage object is created as a result of processing the protocol message.

  • Delete storage object. This action is complete when a storage object is deleted as a result of processing the protocol message.

  • Modify storage object. This action is complete when a storage object is modified as a result of processing the protocol message.

The server MUST follow these rules when making a change to the list of storage objects:

  • When adding a storage object, the server MUST generate a unique identifier of type logical media identifier (LMID) for the object and MUST initialize other fields of the object.

  • When updating a storage object, the server MUST update all the required fields, or all the changes MUST be canceled if the update fails.

  • Any change made to a storage object in the list MUST be accompanied by the sending of appropriate notification messages to all clients that are registered with the server for receiving notifications.

The following subsections list the changes that MUST be made by the server to the list of storage objects for each one of the protocol messages.