2.3.4 msTSProperty01

The personal desktop information stored in the msTSProperty01 attribute consists of multiple strings. Each string has the format <Property name>=<Value>. The following property names are stored in this multi-string attribute:

  • machine=<FQDN of the machine>

  • vmname=<FQDN of the machine>

  • vmtype=2

  • plugin=vmresource

The machine and the vmname properties are the FQDN of the machine that is assigned to the user as a personal desktop. The vmtype property describes the desktop type, which can have one of the following values:

  • MYDESKTOP_PHYSICAL (0): Reserved for future use.

  • MYDESKTOP_FARM (1): This desktop type means virtual machine belongs to a collection of virtual machines, where a single virtual machine can be assign to the user.

  • MYDESKTOP_NONFARM (2): Reserved for future use.

The plugin property describes the plugin used by the connection broker to process the connection request. The only supported value is "vmresource".

For example, if machine LaBigMac.PulpFiction.com is assigned to user VincentVega, the msTSProperty01 attribute of this user object will have the following strings:

  • machine=LaBigMac.PulpFiction.com

  • vmname=LaBigMac.PulpFiction.com

  • vmtye=2

  • plugin=vmresource