2.2.6 Source of Time Service Configuration Setting

The configuration setting source values indicate the source from which a configuration setting's value was loaded. These fields are not used to instruct an NTP Authentication Extensions implementation how to load its configuration, but rather to identify how the value of a related field was populated. Fields that utilize these values have no effect on client behavior and are provided as a diagnostic aid.

The following table lists the configuration-setting sources that are available.





The configuration setting is not defined.



The configuration setting is using the value set during initialization.



The configuration setting is using the value defined in the local configuration.



The configuration setting is using the value defined in the remote configuration, such as through Group Policy.



The configuration setting is reserved for future use.

All other values are reserved for future use.

As an example, a client can invoke the W32TimeQueryConfiguration method defined in section to retrieve the configuration of an NTP Authentication Extensions implementation. In the W32TIME_CONFIGURATION_ADVANCED structure returned to the caller, the ulLargePhaseOffset field contains the value of the LargePhaseOffset ADM element (see [MS-SNTP] section 3.1.1), and the ulLargePhaseOffsetFlag field will contain a value from the preceding table that indicated the source from which the value of the LargePhaseOffset ADM element was most recently loaded.