
This operation is used to implement the IsServerOnline API.

 <wsdl:operation name="Ping">
   <wsdl:input wsam:Action="http://tempuri.org/INetworkingService/Ping" message="tns:INetworkingService_Ping_InputMessage" />
   <wsdl:output wsam:Action="http://tempuri.org/INetworkingService/PingResponse" message="tns:INetworkingService_Ping_OutputMessage" />

Upon receiving the INetworkingService_Ping_InputMessage request message, the protocol server is notified that the connection is terminating. Upon successful completion of the action, the server MUST respond with INetworkingService_Ping_OutputMessage. In the event of a failure, an appropriate SOAP fault MUST be sent to the client as specified in section