
The required element /soapenv:Envelope/soapenv:Body/wsen:Enumerate/ad:Selection/ad:SelectionProperty specifies which directory attribute is to be returned for the resultant objects evaluating to true for that particular enumeration. The Requestor MUST use XPath 1.0-derived Selection Language, defined in [MS-ADDM] section 2.4, to specify this element. The language is indicated by the Dialect attribute, defined in section, on its parent node ad:Selection, defined in section

For doing range retrieval of a multi-valued directory attribute, the extension to [WSENUM] specified in [MS-ADDM] section 2.7 SHOULD be used with this XML element.

Selection property <ad:all> SHOULD be specified to indicate that the Pull operation SHOULD return all the default attributes of the resultant directory objects.<10>

Following is the XML Schema [XMLSCHEMA1] definition of the SelectionProperty element.

 <xsd:element name="SelectionProperty" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="1" 
           maxOccurs ="unbounded"/>